A.3 Electromagnetism: Fields and Forces

Overall Progress

1.1 Electric Charge and Its Properties

1. Introduction

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that plays a crucial role in electromagnetic interactions. It is responsible for various phenomena in physics, chemistry, and everyday life.

2. Properties of Electric Charge

  • Conservation: The total electric charge in an isolated system remains constant over time.
  • Quantization: Electric charge occurs in discrete units, multiples of the elementary charge e.
  • Additivity: The net charge of a system is the algebraic sum of all individual charges within it.
  • Two types: Positive and negative charges, which attract each other, while like charges repel.

3. Coulomb's Law

Coulomb's Law describes the electrostatic force between two point charges. It states that the magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

F = k * (q₁ * q₂) / r²


  • F is the electrostatic force (in newtons, N)
  • k is Coulomb's constant (≈ 8.99 × 10⁹ N·m²/C²)
  • q₁ and q₂ are the magnitudes of the charges (in coulombs, C)
  • r is the distance between the charges (in meters, m)

Interactive Coulomb's Law Demonstration

Adjust the sliders to change the charges and distance, and observe how the electrostatic force changes.

Resulting Force: 9.000e+9 N

4. Electric Fields

An electric field is a region around a charged particle or object where other charged particles experience a force. The electric field strength at a point is defined as the force per unit charge experienced by a small positive test charge placed at that point.

E = F / q


  • E is the electric field strength (in N/C)
  • F is the force experienced by the test charge (in N)
  • q is the magnitude of the test charge (in C)

For a point charge, the electric field strength at a distance r is given by:

E = k * Q / r²

Where Q is the charge creating the field.

5. Applications of Electric Charge

  • Capacitors: Store electric charge for use in electronic circuits.
  • Electrostatic Precipitators: Remove particles from gases in industrial processes.
  • Photocopiers and Laser Printers: Use electrostatic charges to attract toner to paper.
  • Lightning Rods: Protect buildings by providing a low-resistance path for lightning strikes.

Example: Capacitor Charging

The charge stored in a capacitor is given by:

Q = C * V


  • Q is the charge stored (in C)
  • C is the capacitance (in farads, F)
  • V is the voltage across the capacitor (in volts, V)

For a parallel plate capacitor, the capacitance is:

C = (ε₀ * A) / d


  • ε₀ is the permittivity of free space (≈ 8.85 × 10⁻¹² F/m)
  • A is the area of the plates (in m²)
  • d is the distance between the plates (in m)

6. Quantum Nature of Electric Charge

At the quantum level, electric charge is carried by elementary particles. In atoms, protons carry a positive charge, while electrons carry a negative charge of equal magnitude.

The charge of a proton or electron is:

e ≈ 1.602 × 10⁻¹⁹ C

This quantization of charge leads to interesting phenomena in quantum mechanics and particle physics, such as the fractional quantum Hall effect, where quasi-particles with fractional charges can emerge in certain systems.

7. Conclusion

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that governs electromagnetic interactions. Understanding its properties and behavior is crucial for many areas of physics and engineering, from the design of electronic circuits to the study of cosmic phenomena like solar flares and the aurora borealis.